Chrysanthemum Stone Cheaper

AGRO - One of the mainstays of agribusiness Batu very attracted tourists is Chrysanthemum flowers with different types of display colors. Flowers from Holland was successfully cultivated flower farmer in the village of Batu subdistrict Sidomulyo and is now sold in packs of cut flowers and potted.

Salh one florist in Flower Hill Way, Sunanie to Malang Post revealed since the 1980s ago, began to bloom Chrysanthemum cultivated Sidomulyo residents in the village. And, until now widely sold in Flower Hill Road area. Moreover, the geography and the air temperature in the region strongly support the flourishing of this flower.

presented that chrysanthemums in the region sold with relative price cheaper than its competitors in the nongkojajar district pasuruan.

for example, spray cut flowers chrysanthemum sold only USD 1.500 and interest in the pot rp10 thousand.

chrysanthemums typical city Stone for packaging cut flowers more durable freshness, which is a week.

longer than the growing in other areas only 3-4 days and after that Wilt.

Sunanie expose although not have the aroma fragrances, but chrysanthemums more interesting dipanjang with the types of purple, pink, dark Red, Red Maron, White, Green, White, Orange, and polka-dot or Brindle Red-cream that.

One day we can sell 50 stalk cut flowers and the average of 10 flower pots. we also send order once a week to the variety of area for the purposes of parties, decoration indoor and Congratulations, average of 250 stalk per day. including delivery to kalimantan.

In the area, mum we sold, he explained. some other farmers revealed they got the supply of interest of farmers chrysanthemums in the village sidomulyo with price USD 1.100 per stems and to flower pot only USD 6.500.

Profit of selling chrysanthemums good piece or in a pot rather than interest other types, because the more the best-selling. day advantage we achieve around rp50 thousand.

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