Business worms, Adam Bag $300 million a month

Business worms, Adam Bag $300 million a month

AGRIBISNIS - Many people shudder in disgust when he saw the writhing worms. These invertebrates impression repulsive to most people. However, unlike the case with Abdul Aziz Adam Maulida. For a man who is familiarly called Adam's, since four years ago worms instead become a source of income.

Since completing his undergraduate education at the Department of Industrial Engineering Institute of Technology (ITS), Adam already had the intention of entrepreneurship. But the intention was buried because no finding business ideas. Adam decided to be an employee at a paper mill. For ten years, Adam worked at PT Tjiwi Kimia, in Mojokerto, East Java.

New in 2010 he left that job. "In my opinion, if you work in the company, a person develops difficulty having to deal with the limits of the system companies. While the outside so many opportunities that await, "said 39-year-old man.

Adam also established themselves to start their own business. He returned to his native land, Malang, East Java, in early 2010, and chose to wrestle agribusiness eel that are trendy at the time. Adam poured capital of Rp 20 million, including buying about two hundred pounds of eels.

However, Adam did not think, a lot of obstacles in raising eels. From the beginning, he often found eels die. "Anyway, it was difficult for me to cultivate eel so only six months I have been farming eels," he said. Though Adam has joined seminars on breeding eels.

The only remaining eel feed, ie earthworms as much as four kilograms. He observes, when all the dead eel, worms survive, even thrive. From there Adam got the idea to cultivate a worm that has the Latin name Lumbricus rubellus.

Precisely, in August 2010, Adam began to breed earthworms. Previously, he studied the intricacies of the cultivation of earthworms. In addition to reading books, Adam also learned autodidact with direct practice in the field.

With a capital of USD 200,000, the father of a child is buying broodstock worms. Furthermore, for the media, he bought a wooden box the size of 40 cm x 50 cm were stacked up to 12 levels. So, Adam did not need land that is too broad.

Adam did not have to buy a meal worms. The worms can be fed from waste household and market waste. He treat waste from their neighbors to being fed to the worms. "How to cultivate the worm is very easy. So I was interested and never thought to stop now, "he said.

Mr. worm

Adam admitted, when it began the cultivation of worms, he has not received the market altogether. Until the end of 2010, he got a bright spot. An owner of a fishing came to his ranch for the book worm.

In the past, houses worms, worm farm name belongs to Adam, could only produce five kilograms of worms per week. But now, he can produce up to seven tonnes of earthworms per month. Turnover has increased rapidly. Within a month of Adam could pocket around Rp 300 million.

Adam says, he takes the process long enough to be able to see the success it is today. After the supply of worms for some fishing grounds in Malang, Adam, increasingly, to increase production. The name Adam began known population of Malang. He was even touted as the father of the worm.

In 2011 he received an order to supply the worms by the East Java Provincial Fishery Office. Unfortunately, Adam could not be immediately agreed. Because the production of worms per month has not reached one tonne, as demand for the Fisheries Department.

Not out of his mind, Adam pass on their knowledge to others. He dissemination about the worm to people around Malang, as well as invite them to join cultivating worms. "I invited them to come to the house of worms, then I teach how to raise worms," ​​he said.

In the beginning, these efforts have not bear much fruit. There are only two people who want to join with Adam. Then, Adam develops plasma in a coordinated system. With a plasma system, anyone who joins will receive training from the house worm. Furthermore, Adam will buy the harvested worms from members plasma.

Until now, Adam already has about 1,600 members plasma. However, not all members can consistently supply the worms him. "Of the total number of members, around 700 people actively sell their crops at me," he said.

Heni's husband Nur Rahmania says, can be visited in a day about 100 people who want to learn the cultivation of worms. Adam said, worm farming is actually very easy. Moreover, the success rate of almost 100 percent worm farming. Only, information about worm farming opportunities still relatively small.

So far, Adam found no disease or pests that interfere with the growth of worms. "If you already know the business opportunities are definitely interested because it's easy," he asserted.

In addition to relying on the supply of plasma member, Adam still continue to produce worms. The difference is, now that he has hired eight employees. Cage worm was already no longer use wooden boxes. Adam build 100 of the pond made of brick. Now, Adam become the main supplier of earthworms to the East Java Provincial Fishery Office. He also still serving sales to business owners of fishing and fisheries entrepreneurs.

Employers can not stop

Uninstalling the status of employees in large companies is not easy for Abdul Aziz Adam Maulida. Both his parents had opposed. Understandably, they work as civil servants. So when Adam expressed a desire to be an entrepreneur, not get a direct response from both parents.

But Adam determination was made, even though he was aware, his efforts indirect big day. "At least I got out of the enterprise system and can create my own system with the potential I have," said Adam.

He notices, employers must continue to evolve. There was no longer a limit that prevents to develop than yourself. "Learn first business opportunity. If it's good, continue to develop, do not stop because employers should not be stagnant, "he said.

Adam insists berbudidaya opportunities worm is still very open. Buyers worm is very diverse, from the fishery, poultry farmers to cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This year, Adam wanted to target the pharmaceutical industry. However, he wants to fix its production before supplying new markets. "I will add plasma members to boost production," he said.

Adam added, from the cultivation of worms, he could develop a lot more business potential. So far, Adam has pioneered a variety of businesses are still dealing with its main business. For example, organic ginger gardens developed with manure worms.

In addition, he has a farm goats, chickens, and fish ponds which will consume worms for fattening. "I want to develop more and I also motivate members plasma to equally develop," he said.
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Hundreds Million harvest of vegetables Japanese Business

Hundreds Million harvest of vegetables Japanese Business

The population of almost 250 million people make Indonesia as a lucrative market. With a population of that size, the level of domestic food consumption is also high. These conditions are good opportunities for agribusiness.

Although the number of farmers in Indonesia untold number, business opportunities in this field are not inexhaustible. If the local vegetable business competition is already too tight, do not worry, you can try out new opportunities for business Japanese vegetables.

Just look at the growth of the number of Japanese restaurants and supermarkets very rapidly in recent years. First outlets that presents the product's country of origin of the Rising Sun is still very limited. But now, you can easily find such outlets.

Surging demand for Japanese vegetable that makes Agus Ali Nurdin, owner Okiagaru Farm and Kostaman, owner of Yan's Fruit, vegetable suppliers plunge as Japan. Both of these entrepreneurs set the rising demand compact vegetable Japan reached 20 percent every year. Not only Japanese citizens living in Indonesia that they were after, because the indigenous people like the typical cuisine of Japan.

Agus was once a rice farmer in Cianjur. In 2008, he followed the young farmers exchange program to Japan from the Ministry of Agriculture. During the year of living in the State Sakura, Agus learn how cultivating rice and oranges.

When returning to the country, Agus immediately establish relations with Japanese culinary entrepreneurs. He then decided to set up Okiagaru Farm, which then supply the Japanese vegetables to various typical Japanese restaurant. "I chose the vegetable crops due to exceptional demand a lot, given the proliferation of Japanese restaurants in the country," he said.

Agus explained, the first Japanese culinary entrepreneurs often importing agricultural products from China. However, the products from China are no longer favored because of the high use of chemicals in the land of the Great Wall. Thus, the demand for Japanese vegetables in the country is increasingly uphill.

He then hired a land area of ​​1.8 hectares (ha) in Cianjur and 4 ha in Cipanas, West Java. In that land, Agus planted about 100 kinds of vegetables. As many as 50 percent of an original Japanese vegetables, such as kyuri (Japanese cucumber), horenzo (Japanese spinach), kabocha (Japanese pumpkin), satsumaimo (Japanese yam), zucchini, negi. While the rest are local vegetables but consumed in Japanese restaurants. So the whole product Okiagaru supplied to Japanese restaurants and supermarkets.

Agus said, great restaurants like Yoshinoya and Sushi Tei has become its customers. In addition, he also supplies vegetables to supermarkets Cosmo in Jakarta and Bandung. "Actually requests outside the city very much, but we have not been able to produce on demand," said Agus.

The Kostaman inadvertently supplying Japanese vegetables. Kostaman been a variety of fresh vegetable transport drivers for the Japanese company in Bandung. Experience so the driver made him familiar with the supermarket owner.

Then, when the supply crunch strawberry, strawberry supply Kostaman dared plunge into some supermarkets. "From that moment I was over the profession so supplier of strawberries and Japanese vegetables to the supermarket," he said.

He also founded the company Yan's Fruit and Vegetables in Lembang, West Java, in 2000. Because not have sufficient capital to grow crops, Kostaman partnership with vegetable farmers in Lembang.

Kostaman sorting vegetables produced its partners, to be packaged according to client requests. "So, vegetable products can be directly displayed for sale in supermarkets or self-service," he said. Now, Kostaman supply more than 100 kinds of vegetables to the supermarket in Jakarta.

Within a month, Kostaman supplying 65 tons of vegetables to various supermarkets Japanese. He admitted that he could reap a turnover of Rp 600 million per month from this business. The net profit of about 50 percent.

On the other hand, Agus split between production with sales turnover of Japanese vegetables. According to Agus, the turnover is calculated for each commodity production per harvest. For example there kyuri 20,000 trees on their land. If each tree produces 8 kilograms (kg) kyuri sold Rp 10,000 per kg, he got a turnover of USD 160 million. The net profit of more than 50 percent.

Meanwhile, a vegetable product that he sold not only from land. He also supplies vegetables to cooperating with several partners in West Java. For sales, Okiagaru can be pocketed turnover of about USD 70 million per month with a net profit of about 20 percent.

Two options

Are you interested in this business? You can choose to cultivate himself as Agus in Okiagaru Farm or so suppliers just as is done Kostaman. Whatever your choice, the key to success of this effort is to get the right market.

Agus asserted that market access is a major factor to go into business, Japanese vegetables. Because the costs for producing Japanese vegetables are not cheap. Merunut first experience, he first obtain the market, the new starting production, the amount adjusted to demand.

To gain access to the Japanese market vegetables, of course you have to know the network or self-service Japanese culinary entrepreneurs. Because once an exchange program to Japan's farmers, Agus already had relationships with several players in the culinary or retail business that requires Japanese vegetable supply. With the demand of the market, Agus also be planting pattern. Because the vegetables japan took one month to three months to harvest.

However, you do not have to go far away to Japan to be a relationship in this business. Agus suggested for beginners who wrestle this business in order to mingle with the Japanese community. This strategy aims to open a gap to penetrate the market. "Building relationships can be started from there, search for access that enables us to get to know the entrepreneurs who in turn could be our clients," he said.

Should not be forgotten is the Japanese language skills. Although trivial, it is important to be able to communicate with a client who is a citizen of Japan. "The ability to speak a surplus to negotiate with clients," he said.

Agus also stressed the importance of having an experienced human resources in agriculture. For, if only theoretically studied agriculture is not necessarily controlled field conditions. "Even if you have the capital and the existing market, but if there are no experts in the field of agriculture, the result will not be maximized," he said. At a minimum, when the pioneering efforts of the Japanese vegetable production, there should be a companion experts in agriculture vegetables.

When opening the land, Agus require many employees, even up to 40 people. However, for the treatment of ta-naman vegetables, employees required is not too much. Each hectare supervised three employees.

Further, Agus said, the capital's pioneering Japanese vegetable production area is quite expensive. Thus, the readiness of the funds must be considered. According to Agus, leasing land, at least, lasted for three years with a minimum of three hectares of land. Count simple, issued investment of around Rp 80 million per hectare. As many as 80 percent of the funds are used to finance the operations of land. The remaining reserve funds.

Expenditure is also calculated per harvest. The expenditure for the purchase of seeds, fertilizers, and pesticides. Seeds can be purchased at the distributor of seeds are easy to find. The cost of employee salaries also includes a large expenditure that must be observed. With these calculations, Agus said, farmers can reach the breakeven point of business within two years.

If you do not want to grow their own, you could be the only supplier. Due to the limited availability of land, Kostaman chose this way. With an initial capital of Rp 15 million, he started the business of supplying Japanese vegetables to various supermarkets.

Kostaman partnered with more than 60 farmers in West Java. The farmers have agreed to deliver a Japanese vegetable crops to Kostaman. Furthermore, Kostaman sort these vegetables before packing. The sorting process is done manually. Meanwhile, aided by packaging plastic wrapping machine.

In addition to the two processes, employees are also required for the distribution process. For this activity, Kostaman employs 21 people. Kostaman deliver vegetables that have been packaged into supermarket outlets are so subscriptions. Deliveries are made three times a week, namely Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. So the packaging process is done a day before delivery.

Vegetables Japan sent four fleets using his box car. Each car can carry up to 1.5 tons of vegetables Japanese. Up to now there are about 40 outlets supermarkets obtain supplies from Kostaman Japanese vegetables.

Kostaman claimed never promoted for so Japanese vegetable supplier. He said, through the products he was selling, the clients know the quality. "If you already know the quality, they must be a message to me," he said.

Sort quality

In supplying vegetables Japan, known for the quality classification (grading). Grading is determined by the client's request. Understandably, Japanese demand for processed vegetables in a restaurant with a different sold in supermarkets.

Agus said, employers usually ask for veggie restaurant with great size. For example, for commodities daikong or Japanese horseradish, radishes need restaurants weighing 1.5 kg. Meanwhile, to be sold in supermarkets, large-sized radishes will not be sold. Radishes are sold in supermarkets is small so in 1 kg there are three to four pieces of radish.

The Japanese vegetables Kostaman split based on quality. Good quality vegetables will he supply to the supermarket. Meanwhile, the rest will be returned to the farmers. Typically, farmers will sell vegetable product assortment of the traditional markets.

Has the potential to penetrate the export market

Opportunities open in Japanese vegetable business is already no doubt. In fact, the Japanese vegetable businesses admitted to being overwhelmed meet existing demand in the market. Therefore, farmers have not kept pace with market demand crops.

In other words, they have to face obstacles vegetable production continuity. One of the risks involved in agribusiness are harvesting less than the maximum. The cause of the harvest is not as expected, usually the weather is less friendly. However, according to Agus Ali Nurdin, owner Okiagaru Farm, Japanese vegetable farming risk is comparable to the risk of planting other vegetables.

In fact, both Agus and Kostaman, owner of Yan's Fruit, said the market for vegetable japan wide open. Demand was not only in the country but also exported to many countries, especially Asian countries.

Agus said, he had received an offer of cooperation with the Japanese company. His request was not kidding. Within a day, Agus asked to supply 15 tons of broccoli. "We still need investors to participate in the venture capital bury this," he said.

Kostaman also had a similar experience. But he did not dare undertakes for its Japanese vegetable production has not been consistent. Sometimes the crops of farmers are not in accordance with market demand. "The potential for export actually there, because my colleagues are already exporting zucchini, beans, and other vegetables to Singapore," he said.
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Nabire oranges, grapefruit Defeat Sweetness Import

Nabire oranges, grapefruit Defeat Sweetness Import

AGRIBISNIS - Nabire orange has a sweet taste that is typical. Although most of the outer skin looked green, orange indeed it is ripe and ready to be consumed. This is one of the typical souvenirs Papua.

The orange began to be cultivated in 1991-1992 by the citizens of transmigration from Java.

However, this new orange popular in most of mainland Papua in the 2000s. Sweet orange tree-like Sunkist has 3 to 4.5 meters high. This citrus cultivation centers in the Settlement Unit (SP) 3 Nabire. However, gradually, citrus land is reduced because most of the land taken over the local population with migrants reason it abandoned land. Almost half the region controlled by the natives.

Observations in SP 3 Nabire early May showed, some oranges around 20 years old began to brittle, dry and fruitless. Trunk black-white speckled orange, infestation of insects (ants). Branches, twigs, and branches of citrus was drying up.

Wakidiantono (50), citrus growers in SP 3 Nabire, say, has a land area of ​​2,500 square meters of the total area of ​​one hectare owned since the beginning comes, 1981. About 7,000 square meters of land has been taken over the owner. The remaining land of 500 square meters for residential and yard.

"The advantage is only Rp 1.5 million per harvest. But this does not include the cost of fertilizer, spraying, and others so that the total expenditure of USD 1.4 million. Did not gain a lot because middlemen come directly to the site. Usually they borong 1 crate of about 50 kilograms (kg) at a price of $8. My orange harvest ranged between 13-15 crate or 1.56 million to 1.8 million per harvest, "said Wakidianto.

He did not merely rely on citrus. Wakidianto still raise three cows and poultry to overcome the difficulties of the narrow arable land.

Oranges survive only up to 10 days so that the farmers did not maintain a set price middleman. They were forced to approve the request of middlemen.

According to the Chairman of Farmers Group Oranges Nabire, Mulutdiono (49), an orange tree usually produces 10 kg of fruit, but harvested in stages, up to six times a year. Orange Price $1 per kg, directly on the tree, but in the hands of middlemen to $1 per kg.

Hit by illness

However, citrus disease in the last five years no longer make local farmers interested in cultivating citrus. Symptoms of trees attacked by pests, seemed to bear fruit very dense but entered the age of 5-10 days, suddenly the leaves dry out, fall out, then die.

"The officer who came to the PPL also claimed not to know the type of pest and how to cope. They note that the orange tree bark dikupasi circumference with a width of approximately 5 cm and then dibaluti chalk. It was our own doing, but to no avail, "said Mulutdiono.

Suparmin, migrants from Malang, East Java, has one hectare of citrus orchards. The first harvest 190 crates (9,500 kg) and a second crop of 170 crates (8,500 kg). Those commodities are sold at $10 per crate. In one season, he managed to collect Rp 54 million.

When attacked by pests (fungi), the part is trimmed (cut), or stems directly dibaluti whiting and sulfur. The knowledge gained from his parents in Malang, which is also orange cultivator.

He said there is a plan of Nabire District Government and the Provincial Government of Papua expand orange Nabire. But the problem is, most of the agricultural land is taken over transmigration people indigenous people for no apparent reason.

"They're working on that, as he said, you have a certificate from the government but we have land, inherited from ancestors. We also want to live in their own land. Well, if they talk like that, we want to let alone. This problem has been known to the local authorities, but no action, "said Suparmin.

Head of Department of Agriculture and Foodstuffs Nabire JS Maniani said the total land area of ​​approximately 10 188 hectares of citrus Nabire with an average production of 62,800 tons per year. Oranges developed in tandem with the presence of migrants, which spread from the outskirts of the town of Nabire, namely Morgomulyo to Bumi Raya village, 15 km from Nabire.

Fruit belle

Nabire is an excellent citrus fruit Papua, besides matoa. Equally sweet citrus flavor with citrus imports, although the orange Nabire not seem like oranges imported from China.

"Oranges Nabire ever ordered the State Palace on alert August 17, 2010. We send 250 kg and extraordinary acclaim. They appreciate oranges and continue to push for the district government and the provincial government continues to expand the area under citrus plants that exist, "said Maniani.

Oranges are usually sent to Manado Nabire, Sorong, Biak, Manokwari, Jayapura and Timika. But this citrus grapefruit compete with imports that flooded a number of supermarkets, fruit shops, and markets in a number of districts in Papua.

Observations in Nabire airport, hundreds of passengers who wanted to get out of Nabire carrying oranges in packaged form with a size of 4 kg 6 kg. It turns out more desirable orange Nabire residents of Jayapura, Timika, Manokwari and Sorong than citrus imports.

Jerson Kapouw, residents Sentani, Jayapura, Nabire orange lovers met at Nabire airport said, citrus imports in shops and supermarkets Jayapura water is not much so it just feels like a cork when chewed.

Oranges imported accidentally processed with chemicals so the fruit looks great, but its skin is thicker. The meat was a little orange. But Nabire orange sweet, solid contents, a full watering and no fertilizer or chemicals such as citrus imports. "The Sweetness, kitong like," said Kapouw.
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Had Rabobank branch office in Malang and focus on Food and Agribusiness Sector

Had Rabobank branch office in Malang and focus on Food and Agribusiness Sector

 MALANG RAYA - The opening of Rabobank Indonesia Branch Malang, all sectors related to food and agribusiness in easy Malangsemakin City.
Such as providing access to funds, access to knowledge, as well as network access from Rabobank to entrepreneurs engaged in this sector.
It said Solaiman Widjaja 5 Regional Chairman of Rabobank, in Malang and its surroundings in terms of agri-business development is growing rapidly. So that it is ready to serve on some of the conveniences provided by Rabobank.
"There are business people who want to export to overseas, through we can help provide information on the export destination was. Is it good or not, we can help inform the background of the export destination it how it is. So, they can read the opportunities their businesses," he said after Rabobank inauguration on Jl Semeru.
Previously, Rabobank's offices are near Pasar Besar, so choose to be relocated at the new location. Bank is working with the cooperative in lending. Thus, through the Rabobank Foundation can embrace the farmers through the cooperative partner of farmers and ranchers.
He said there were 29 cooperative partner farmers and ranchers. Solaiman said, in East Java producer of rice, corn, chicken pieces, beef cattle, as well as the cultivation of marine products very quickly berkemvang rapidly and has a lot of opportunities.
"Yes of course, this is a business opportunity also for us to be able to finance the entire food and agribusiness supply chain from field to become a meal," he added.
Meanwhile, Jopie Jusuf, Director of Business Rabobank Indonesia, said the total credit until June 2016 amounting to Rp 11 trillion. 60 percent in the field of food and agribusiness.
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Chrysanthemum Stone Cheaper

Chrysanthemum Stone Cheaper

AGRO - One of the mainstays of agribusiness Batu very attracted tourists is Chrysanthemum flowers with different types of display colors. Flowers from Holland was successfully cultivated flower farmer in the village of Batu subdistrict Sidomulyo and is now sold in packs of cut flowers and potted.

Salh one florist in Flower Hill Way, Sunanie to Malang Post revealed since the 1980s ago, began to bloom Chrysanthemum cultivated Sidomulyo residents in the village. And, until now widely sold in Flower Hill Road area. Moreover, the geography and the air temperature in the region strongly support the flourishing of this flower.

presented that chrysanthemums in the region sold with relative price cheaper than its competitors in the nongkojajar district pasuruan.

for example, spray cut flowers chrysanthemum sold only USD 1.500 and interest in the pot rp10 thousand.

chrysanthemums typical city Stone for packaging cut flowers more durable freshness, which is a week.

longer than the growing in other areas only 3-4 days and after that Wilt.

Sunanie expose although not have the aroma fragrances, but chrysanthemums more interesting dipanjang with the types of purple, pink, dark Red, Red Maron, White, Green, White, Orange, and polka-dot or Brindle Red-cream that.

One day we can sell 50 stalk cut flowers and the average of 10 flower pots. we also send order once a week to the variety of area for the purposes of parties, decoration indoor and Congratulations, average of 250 stalk per day. including delivery to kalimantan.

In the area, mum we sold, he explained. some other farmers revealed they got the supply of interest of farmers chrysanthemums in the village sidomulyo with price USD 1.100 per stems and to flower pot only USD 6.500.

Profit of selling chrysanthemums good piece or in a pot rather than interest other types, because the more the best-selling. day advantage we achieve around rp50 thousand.
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