Business worms, Adam Bag $300 million a month


AGRIBISNIS - Many people shudder in disgust when he saw the writhing worms. These invertebrates impression repulsive to most people. However, unlike the case with Abdul Aziz Adam Maulida. For a man who is familiarly called Adam's, since four years ago worms instead become a source of income.

Since completing his undergraduate education at the Department of Industrial Engineering Institute of Technology (ITS), Adam already had the intention of entrepreneurship. But the intention was buried because no finding business ideas. Adam decided to be an employee at a paper mill. For ten years, Adam worked at PT Tjiwi Kimia, in Mojokerto, East Java.

New in 2010 he left that job. "In my opinion, if you work in the company, a person develops difficulty having to deal with the limits of the system companies. While the outside so many opportunities that await, "said 39-year-old man.

Adam also established themselves to start their own business. He returned to his native land, Malang, East Java, in early 2010, and chose to wrestle agribusiness eel that are trendy at the time. Adam poured capital of Rp 20 million, including buying about two hundred pounds of eels.

However, Adam did not think, a lot of obstacles in raising eels. From the beginning, he often found eels die. "Anyway, it was difficult for me to cultivate eel so only six months I have been farming eels," he said. Though Adam has joined seminars on breeding eels.

The only remaining eel feed, ie earthworms as much as four kilograms. He observes, when all the dead eel, worms survive, even thrive. From there Adam got the idea to cultivate a worm that has the Latin name Lumbricus rubellus.

Precisely, in August 2010, Adam began to breed earthworms. Previously, he studied the intricacies of the cultivation of earthworms. In addition to reading books, Adam also learned autodidact with direct practice in the field.

With a capital of USD 200,000, the father of a child is buying broodstock worms. Furthermore, for the media, he bought a wooden box the size of 40 cm x 50 cm were stacked up to 12 levels. So, Adam did not need land that is too broad.

Adam did not have to buy a meal worms. The worms can be fed from waste household and market waste. He treat waste from their neighbors to being fed to the worms. "How to cultivate the worm is very easy. So I was interested and never thought to stop now, "he said.

Mr. worm

Adam admitted, when it began the cultivation of worms, he has not received the market altogether. Until the end of 2010, he got a bright spot. An owner of a fishing came to his ranch for the book worm.

In the past, houses worms, worm farm name belongs to Adam, could only produce five kilograms of worms per week. But now, he can produce up to seven tonnes of earthworms per month. Turnover has increased rapidly. Within a month of Adam could pocket around Rp 300 million.

Adam says, he takes the process long enough to be able to see the success it is today. After the supply of worms for some fishing grounds in Malang, Adam, increasingly, to increase production. The name Adam began known population of Malang. He was even touted as the father of the worm.

In 2011 he received an order to supply the worms by the East Java Provincial Fishery Office. Unfortunately, Adam could not be immediately agreed. Because the production of worms per month has not reached one tonne, as demand for the Fisheries Department.

Not out of his mind, Adam pass on their knowledge to others. He dissemination about the worm to people around Malang, as well as invite them to join cultivating worms. "I invited them to come to the house of worms, then I teach how to raise worms," ​​he said.

In the beginning, these efforts have not bear much fruit. There are only two people who want to join with Adam. Then, Adam develops plasma in a coordinated system. With a plasma system, anyone who joins will receive training from the house worm. Furthermore, Adam will buy the harvested worms from members plasma.

Until now, Adam already has about 1,600 members plasma. However, not all members can consistently supply the worms him. "Of the total number of members, around 700 people actively sell their crops at me," he said.

Heni's husband Nur Rahmania says, can be visited in a day about 100 people who want to learn the cultivation of worms. Adam said, worm farming is actually very easy. Moreover, the success rate of almost 100 percent worm farming. Only, information about worm farming opportunities still relatively small.

So far, Adam found no disease or pests that interfere with the growth of worms. "If you already know the business opportunities are definitely interested because it's easy," he asserted.

In addition to relying on the supply of plasma member, Adam still continue to produce worms. The difference is, now that he has hired eight employees. Cage worm was already no longer use wooden boxes. Adam build 100 of the pond made of brick. Now, Adam become the main supplier of earthworms to the East Java Provincial Fishery Office. He also still serving sales to business owners of fishing and fisheries entrepreneurs.

Employers can not stop

Uninstalling the status of employees in large companies is not easy for Abdul Aziz Adam Maulida. Both his parents had opposed. Understandably, they work as civil servants. So when Adam expressed a desire to be an entrepreneur, not get a direct response from both parents.

But Adam determination was made, even though he was aware, his efforts indirect big day. "At least I got out of the enterprise system and can create my own system with the potential I have," said Adam.

He notices, employers must continue to evolve. There was no longer a limit that prevents to develop than yourself. "Learn first business opportunity. If it's good, continue to develop, do not stop because employers should not be stagnant, "he said.

Adam insists berbudidaya opportunities worm is still very open. Buyers worm is very diverse, from the fishery, poultry farmers to cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. This year, Adam wanted to target the pharmaceutical industry. However, he wants to fix its production before supplying new markets. "I will add plasma members to boost production," he said.

Adam added, from the cultivation of worms, he could develop a lot more business potential. So far, Adam has pioneered a variety of businesses are still dealing with its main business. For example, organic ginger gardens developed with manure worms.

In addition, he has a farm goats, chickens, and fish ponds which will consume worms for fattening. "I want to develop more and I also motivate members plasma to equally develop," he said.

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